Albino Rhinoclemmys Eggs
We got some more Albino Rhinoclemmys Eggs last night! The Albino Furrowed Wood Turtle laid a perfect two egg clutch. They’re being incubated for female, and will hatch in 90 days. Albino Rhinoclemmys eggs are very easy to incubate. The temperature is kept in the upper 80’s. This morph has not been produced in captivity, but we think we are getting close. Due to the rarity of this morph, no hatchlings are available at this time.
Looking for Albino Turtles for your display or breeding project?
We offer next day shipping anywhere in the USA (where legal) through fedex express. We take the safety of our animals very serious, and only use Shipyourreptiles.com for domestic shipments. Turtles are sent in styro lined shipping boxes. Hot or cold packs are used depending on the temperatures. We also offer international shipping and can handle all permits and shipping, so no need for a third party exporter. Visit our CONTACT page for all domestic shipping information, payment methods, and questions about international exports.
WE LOVE OUR TURTLES! Every turtle we produce and sell is very important to us. We want them to live long and happy lives in their new homes, and offer lifetime help with any turtle you get from us. We work hard to make sure that you know everything you need to know about their husbandry, and what makes them happy.
Visit our AVAILABLE page to see all the amazing hatchlings we have available for sale.
Finally, check out our blog post about all of our Albino Wood Turtle projects right HERE.