Pied Red Eared Sliders
Theres a bunch of new morphs popping up these days, and the Pied Red Ear Sliders are one of our favorites. They come in a couple different forms, but none of them have been reproduced yet. There’s so much potential with this morph, and there’s going to be some amazing combos in the future. Due the the rarity of this morph you won’t see any for sale for a few more years. Two of our friends are working with these guys, and these are some pictures of their animals. They’re really something to see, and we can’t wait to get our hands on a few of our own.
Interested in a Turtle Morph?
Whether you’re looking for a large group or a pair, you will always receive the same quality from us.
We do not sell fresh hatchlings!
Instead, we take the time to get them feeding and strong before offering them for sale.
Check out our MORPHS page to see all the different possibilities.
All domestic orders ship Fedex Express, through Shipyourreptiles.com. International export is available.
If you have any questions about purchasing a albino turtle for your display or breeding project just send us a email.
Go to our CONTACT page and send us a message with any questions
Pictures by: Rich Dixon and Klinton Rich.